July 26, 2010

My Story Begins

For those of you who are not my Facebook friends and therefore did not read one of my last status': I am going to start off this blog by telling my testimony. I'm going to spread it over several posts, as I think my head would explode if I tried to say it all at once.

So, my blog readers, here is the first installment of My Story.

I've been thinking for the past few days how I wanted to start this. I would think I had decided, and then remember some detail that I had left out, which would take me back several more years of my life. And then, the 'big bang' happened. Not exactly sure how I had forgotten about this detail! But once you know the whole of my story, you may understand why I had forgotten what I am about to tell you.

Laying in bed last night as I was thinking about this blog, I was suddenly taken back to the night that I accepted Jesus into my heart. My friend had invited me to her church's kids camp, and I decided to go. Growing up in a Christian home I had been to many summer church camps.

One evening around the camp fire, my cabin counselor lead me in saying the sinners prayer, and what I once claimed would never be forgotten was this:

As we closed the prayer and said 'Amen', I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a large hand, so I assumed it was Pastor Ray. As I looked up I heard I voice say, "I am here now, Kristin". I turned to tell Pastor Ray about the prayer I had just prayed, but instead I saw him talking to some kids across the pathway. The hand was still on my shoulder, and again I heard, "I am here now, Kristin". Full of excitement I told my salvation story to my church congregation the very next Sunday. Yes, at 9 years old, I was ready for what God was going to do in my life!

Years go by, and all is well. I was that little girl who always went to church, and loved Jesus with her whole heart. But after a while, as I mentioned before, I forgot about the details of that night at camp.

Enter my teen years. 13.....14.....15.....16.....wait! Go back to 15. That's the year the storm started......when the black cloud came to my life.

To be continued........


Unknown said...

Ugh cliffhangers!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kristin, can't wait to read on. I have also been 9 years old when I accepted Jesus in my heart.

The pastor asked us to stand up between over a hundred other kids and pray before them, so that we always remember this was no secret but something to share.
I never forgot this night.

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