July 22, 2011

I'm Standing On My Soapbox, People!

Although I'm not literally on a soapbox and I'm not talking about anything political, I am about to 'make a speach' about something that is very important to me. All who choose to continue reading, I warn you, this subject is very dear to my heart so this may get scary :)

Growing up my family very seldom had TV. We would watch movies, and visit my grandparents TV set when the Olympics where one. Every once in a while Mom and Dad would decide to order TV for a while, but it only ever lasted a few months.

A few years ago we ordered DirecTV so we could host Super Bowl and News Years parties...etc. Mom agreed to this with the condition that the TV be set up in the basement, so it wasn't so easily accessible.

Her plan worked, and we didn't watch TV nearly as often as we would have had it been on the main living level of the house.

Stop right there. I'm not on my soapbox to talk about how America watches to much TV.

I'm up here to talk about a particular show.

When I moved in with Pap and Grandma, Pap hooked up my new TV (thanks Dad!) to the cable line.....the cable line in my bedroom. Hence, I've been watching way more TV than I ever used to! I'm not very proud of this.

I'm the kind of person who likes channels like: HGTV, TBS, ABC Family, TLC.

TLC is my favorite, with shows like What not to Wear, Say yes to the dress, 19 and Counting, Kate Plus 8...to name a few.

Well, on Wednesday nights, there is this show (and you've all probably heard about it...or maybe even watched it) called Toddlers and Tiaras.

*Pause while I stand up a little taller on my soapbox*

Since I was about 16 I've had a passion in my heart for ministry with 8-12 year old girls. This is such a critical time in a girls life. Its when they start learning about what it means to be 'pretty' and they start caring a little more about self presentation.

My 6 year old niece told me the other day, in all seriousness, that I was having a bad hair day.....don't tell me she doesn't understand! (And heres a high-five to my Sister and Brother-in-law who are doing an amazing job with little Cosette!)

So, on this show, these innocent little girls are made up, dressed up, and ....in my opinion, messed up.

I watched in horror as a little 5 year old girl walked on stage in a less than appropriate outfit and did a dance routine that, if she had been a full grown woman, I would have had to change the channel because it would have been quite provocative. She's 5 people! A few minutes earlier, this same little girl had this conversation with her Mom:

Girl: I just wanna go play on the play ground. *crying*

Mom: We have to win the crown first.

Girl: But can I have some milk?

Mom: After we win the crown.

She's a little girl. Take off the 5 pounds of make up.....the entire can of hairspray.....the fake eyelashes.....the inappropriate costume.....and let the little girl be LITTLE!

Now, I'm not saying that letting little girls dress up and have fun on stage is wrong. I myself was in dance class since I was 6 and enjoyed the costumes and stage fun. But this was the difference:

I had a Mom who taught me what true beauty was: Its whats on the inside...the crown doesn't matter.

My amazing dance instructor had us dancing to music by Michael W. Smith, Nicole C. Mullen, Carmen...etc. NOT Lady Gaga or Beyonce.

Our dance choreography was all to glorify God...not to win the approval of the judges.
A Toddlers and Tiaras Mom said, "If she messes up her dance routine, at least she still has her pretty face to help us win the crown."

So, why am I on my soapbox?

I'm up here to stand up for our little girls. Keep them little. Don't dress your 6 year old like shes 25. When your daughter is in that 8-12 year old stage, that is when it is most important to start teaching about true beauty.

Focus on your daughter's heart, not her hair.

Ok, I'm stepping down now.

For anyone with a little girl in that wonderful time of life, check out Author and Speaker Dannah Gresh's website www.purefreedom.org. She has lots of resources and ideas on how to "Keep the LITTLE in your little girl". Anyone interested in her 8 Great Dates book for Moms and daughter's, please contact me, as I have some of those available! I'd love to bless you with a copy!


Anonymous said...

Iam so Proud.....I feel like my old Kristin is showing her true colors / FAITH again....I'm not sure what I am saying except I love you! Dad

Chuck said...

Patience is 6, we'll take a copy of the "8 great dates"
good job on your "soapbox"

Momma-San said...

You are so very "right on"... American's emphasize outward appearance way more than does God.
Getting back to a Bilbically-centered perspective on all issues is the best journey to pursue. I pray that we keep the LITTLE in all little kids. You only get to be a kid for a short time. Once it is destroyed-that's it. Wham, it's over. Could easily happen before age six - what a crime - might possibly be retained for 10 or 12 years. Giving a child an excellent childhood is a wonderful concept to keep in mind for parents, aunts, neighbors, cousins, teachers, coaches etc... It just might take a village to raise an Idiot...and we all should rememeber our responsibility and privelege in helping keep the CHILD in childhood. Thank you Kristen, for keeping us awake to this important part of life. Keep making God smile~

PS would love to see a copy of Dannah's book...

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