January 30, 2012

The Cocoa Saga

For those of my blog readers who are also connected with me on Facebook, the first part of this post will be a repeat of one of my status' from last week. However, keep reading because it gets even better!

For my blog readers who are not connected with me of Facebook, I'll catch you up on the story! 

This was my status on Facebook one day last week, and I think it explains the beginning of this story pretty well!

"Here's my piece of advice for the day: Whatever you do, don't store your cocoa powder on the top shelf of your kitchen cabinet. When you open the cabinet, it will inevitably fall out, bouncing off the counter and onto the floor. On it's (what seems to be slow motion) trip to the floor, it will cover everything...including you...with cocoa powder; the floor, the cabinet, the counter, your poor little puppy, etc.You will end up with cocoa power in your ears, up your nose, and in the pockets of your pants. On the plus side, however, your whole kitchen will smell like chocolate!"

I received many comments with people laughing, making jokes about it, etc. One of my favorite comments was from my friend Connie. She said:

"I know, throw some flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, etc. into the mix and make some chocolate chip cookies! ; } LIFE IS GOOD!!"

My misfortune gave everyone a good laugh so when it continued this evening, I knew I had to tell you all about it!

So here it goes.....

Tuesday is trash day in our neighborhood, so I always sit my trash out Monday night just to make sure I don't forget the next morning. Now, last week as I was cleaning up all the cocoa, I was able to suck a lot of it up in the vacuum, (which wasn't a great idea after all, because I then had to clean it all out of the vacuum!), but the majority of it ended up in the trash. That was on Tuesday, so it was dumped into a clean empty trash bag and ended up all the way on the bottom.

 Well, as I was rounding up my trash to sit out tonight, something in the bottom of that darn trash bag ripped a penny size hole in it! Just as I pull the bag out of the trash can every little itsy bitsy teeny tiny micro size flake of cocoa powder spills right out of that penny size hole. This once again happened in slow motion.

So there it was again. A pile of cocoa powder the size of Mount Everest on my kitchen floor. 
*insert stopping of a foot and "are you kidding me?!*

So, please laugh, because at first I felt like crying :-] Do you know how hard it is to clean up cocoa powder? I already learned its a horrible idea to vacuum it up, and a wet rag just turns it into a sticky mess! 

Call me brilliant though, because I discovered that a spatula and a piece of paper are awesome cocoa powder cleaner uppers!

So once again people, I say: 
Don't store your cocoa powder on the top shelf!


Cosette said...

Hehe----Remember the baby powder in Eli's room a few years ago?? This reminds me of that! So....where SHOULD I store the cocoa powder? :)

Kristin said...

You should store it FAR FAR away from me! lol

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