February 15, 2012

Down The Drain

This is my bathroom sink

As you can see, it lacks on of these things (I obviously had no idea what this thing was called, but if you type in sink pop up plug in Google it does the trick :] )

Because my bathroom sink is lacking a pop up plug, in the 6 months that I have lived in my apartment I have lost the following down the drain.

The cap to this bottle

The match to this earring

A couple of these

The cap to this tube of miracle worker :]

One of these (thank you Noah)

As you can imagine I was beginning to get a little nervous about the state of my bathroom sink drain.

I tried one of these numbers with no luck. Diving under the sink and opening up that drain scares me a little, so I was avoiding it as long as possible. As long as it's still draining, I'm good! However...

...today, when my darn eyeliner slipped through my fingers and down the drain, I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer.

You see, this scares me a little

Alas, I guess this will be me very shortly. Pray for me. I'm scared. :]


Anonymous said...

Too Funny!! I can help when we get back there...LOL

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I believe it's the third picture down on this post, but I wondered why you had such wrinkly, stubby hands! Haha! Then I realized that this is not you. =p


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