March 18, 2012

I'm a -green bug drivin' - suv lovin' - shoulda been an Astronaut- kind of girl

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

--C.S. Lewis--

I love to hear kids say, When I grow up I wanna be...
I asked several kids this week what they want to be when they grow up and I received these answers:
  • An Artist
  • A Cooker aka Chef
  • Superman
  • A Cowboy
  • The mail guy
  • The pet fixer aka Veterinarian

    Well, 6 year old Kristin (aka me) wanted to be an astronaut! But I discovered that dreams change as you get older. Because now, 23 year old Kristin does NOT want to be an astronaut. 23 year old Kristin has to take a double dose of anxiety meds before getting on an airplane :] I still love astronomy, and love to sit out late into the summer nights staring at the sky, counting how many constellations I can still identify. However I prefer both feet firmly planted on planet earth.

    As I grew up, around age 12 I declared that when I grew up I wanted to:
    • Get married
    • Homeschool my kids
    • Be a dance teacher
    • Own a shiny black SUV
    Ask any of my family. They will confirm that I repeated this over and over.
    While I'm not married with kids, I am still hopeful :] And I'm not a dance teacher to the degree I had hoped, but there are little girls out there who know me as, Miss Kristin, the dance teacher.

    But in September 2010 when I drove off that car lot in my shiny black SUV, nothing else mattered. I was in love.

    And oh do I still love that shiny black SUV.

    However, as the gas prices started to get higher and higher, and my gas needle started dropping faster and faster, it quickly turned into a love-hate relationship. 
    There came a day when I finally had to tell myself that I simply couldn't afford my shiny black SUV anymore. Yes, I cried.

     So over the course of several months, I started looking at some other options, but kept stalling so I wouldn't have to part with my childhood dream car. But the bank account is now saying No more stalling!

    So I began my search again. And after only a few days I found a dealership who is giving me an awesome deal on a trade in. A trade in on what, you may ask?
    A bright green, Volkswagen Turbo Beetle. 32 mpg beetle vs. 16 mpg SUV. hmm.

    I wasn't convinced at first. In fact I left the dealership only to return later in the day when realizing this was the best deal I was going to get. So I test drove that beetle.

    Oh. My. Gosh.

    Is that thing ever fun to drive! Don't get me wrong, its no SUV, but thats the most fun CAR I've ever driven :] I drove it back onto the lot with a smile on my face and the saleswoman said, I told you you'd like it.

    So, hopefully I'll know for sure on Monday if the deal is going through.
    As I think about driving away leaving my shiny black SUV behind, I feel like crying; but then I remember that green VW Beetle and can't wait to drive it again!

    So even though my dream of being an Astronaut changed, my dream of that shiny black SUV is still there. And I thank God for the 18 months I got to live out that dream. Who knows, maybe one day I'll have a shiny black SUV again.

    So, here's where you can help. I name my cars. Yes, I'm that kind of person. 
    My first car was Lucy, my second Ethel, and my SUV was given a name by my grandfather that I can't write on here because it would probably get me in trouble :]

    So...any name suggestions for a green VW Turbo Beetle? No, Herbie is NOT an option! lol

    Sorry Brittany, I can't give it to you as a birthday-christmas-wedding gift, but I'll let you take it for a spin :] 


    Anonymous said...

    You should name her...Jackie


    Chuck said...

    Based on Lucy and Ethel, I will go with Ricky.

    GlorysMomma said...

    You could name her Kelly Spring, Ever,or Sage- all names for green. I'm partial to "Blossom" or Spruce.
    Is it a girl?

    Slime, pea and putrid don't sound very good to me...But 9-14 year old boys might like those options...

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