April 6, 2012

Because He Died, Death Is Not the End!

Of the 52 weekends in a year, this was my Mom's absolute favorite! She so loved attending the Maundy Thursday service...as well as organizing the bible marathon on Good Friday. On Easter morning she would greet everyone at church with, "He is risen!" and smiled when she heard the reply, "He is risen indeed".

 On the commercial side of the weekend? She loved being the judge of our families, Who can make the ugliest color easter egg dying contest.....Dad always won with his awful brown egg :] She loved sending us on wild goose chases for our Easter baskets when we where young. She handed up a compass and a set of coordinates the year we were learning to use the compass in school. Yes, it lead us right back to the living room!

Needless to say, until the day I die, this will be the weekend that the memories of Mom are in my mind constantly!

When you have a Mom who in now walking the streets of gold, what Jesus did for mankind on this weekend hits home even harder!

If he had not died a horrible death and then ascended into Glory, we would have no hope! But I know that this Easter my Mom is celebrating right along side the man who loved her enough to give His life for her! Oh, the joy that puts in my heart!

 "If roses grow in Heaven, Lord
Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother's arms
And tell her they're from me.

Tell her I love her and miss her,

And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek
And hold her for a while.

Because remembering her is easy,

I do it everyday,
But there is an ache within my heart
That will never go away."
Author Unknown

Yes, my heart aches to see my Mom, to give her a hug, to sit late into the night having a girl talk, and I know that feeling will never go away. I don't want it to. But this weekend reminds me that I WILL see her again! Death is not the end! 


Melanie said...

This is exactly how I remember your momma. What a wonderful mom you had and what a great gift you had with her as your mom for how many years. She would be so proud of where you are right now, and your journey. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Helen said...

Kristin, the poem made me shed some tears! It always moves me to see how you and Jaime remember your Mom and her love since it reflects so much of my own heart when I think of my Mom.

I love to think of the day when we will all meet our Moms in heaven and see how proud they are of us and what we became...

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