April 8, 2012

Finding Humor in the Sadness...

...the sadness of gas prices, that is!

I was on my way home from my sister's home this evening when I looked at my gas needle and realized that I needed gas...like RIGHT now! Thankfully I made it to Sheetz, reached for my purse, and opened my wallet. 

Now, I don't know why I always expect to find more cash in my wallet than I do, but I'm usually quite disappointed :]

I pull out the lone 10 dollar bill, look at the neon red sign that reads:

REG 3.98

Oh dear.

Well, I think, thankfully I live really close to where I work, and $10 will be plenty to get me back and forth for the week.

So I walk inside to prepay. Thy guy behind the counter looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but there. I smile and walk up to him, hand him the ten dollar bill, and in a moment of pure goofiness I say, "Hi, I'd like 2 gallons on pump 8, please".

Blank stare from bored cashier guy.

Confused look from the bored cashier guy.

Then, the funniest part of all: he pulls out a calculator and starts figuring out how much 2 gallons of gas costs. He thinks I'm serious!

I laugh, "Oh, I was just joking because I gave you $10, and gas is so expensive! That $10 is only going to give me a little over 2 gallons."

"Oh, haha" he says, "that makes more sense."

I walked in Sheetz tonight depressed about the numbers on that neon red sign, and walked out laughing. Oh, and I made that bored cashier guys night a little less...well...boring :]

Try to find a reason to laugh everyday. I found it to be very helpful in times like these. 

A bellyful of laughter helps the gas prices go down.....or at least makes them less depressing for a moment or two!

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down....... 

1 comment:

Helen said...

I love that I live in a town with great public transportation. And now that I am back to university I can use it for free and it is so much better that driving a car.

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