August 3, 2012

In a pickle

In a Pickle: "In a quandary, dilemma."

Yes, I am in quite the dilemma, and I'm praying that someone who reads my blog has been in the same place before and can share some advice and wisdom on my situation. Here's whats happening...

My doctor has be on a few different meds right now. The main one, and most important, is what gets me through the day. If I forget to take it...well, lets just hope I don't ever forget to take it =] No problem here, this part is not what is giving me trouble.

It's the other two...

One is just a mega dose of vitamin D. Such a high dose that my doctor gave me a prescription for it, because you can't buy it off the shelf. Basically, if I don't take it I have 0.0000 energy. Like, can't make it out of the house kind of energy. HAVE to take this!

The other one he gives me is to counter act the first two. Both my regular med and the vitamin D give me such energy that I CANNOT SLEEP at night! So he gave me a 'sleep aid' to take so I can actually sleep, like a normal human being. Sounds logical, right?

Well, this natural sleep aid that I take Knocks. Me. Out. Within 20 minutes of taking it I'm out like light bulb. And don't expect to see me anytime soon, because after taking this I could sleep Literally slept 24 hours straight last week because I took HALF a pill. 

I've tried taking it at different times of the day, not taking a whole dose (like a mentioned before), only taking it a few times a week.

Nothing seems to be working. 

So if I don't take the sleep aid I'm up all night, falling asleep around 6am, and then sleeping until 2 in the afternoon. Kind of like tonight, when I'm blogging at 1am instead of sleeping, because I feel quite wide awake!

If I DO take it, the fire department may just have to come blow their whistle outside my bedroom window to wake me up.

So, anybody out there have any brilliant ideas? I have to take the Vitamin D, no questions asked. And it would be nice to actually sleep at night, so the natural sleep aid would be nice if it worked properly.

Please help! I've got to get this figured out so I can actually live my life.


Beth said...

Kristin, have you tried not taking the sleep aid, but soaking in a hot bath or shower and drinking a cup of hot tea before bedtime instead?

Kristin said...

Yeah, I've tried multiple other things without the sleep aid. Going to see my doctor on Friday to get his opinion.

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