July 12, 2012

No More Puppies On The Bed!

I do not like it at all when dogs are allowed to sleep in their owner's beds. (No offense if you let your dog in your bed, this is just my own personal opinion :]) Nope. Nope. Sadie knows that my bed is off limits to her. 

Before she was house broken I blocked off the spare room with a baby gate, and she stayed in there while I was at work or at night time. I figured if she made any messes while I was gone at least it wouldn't be all over the house. 

The past 2 weeks I slept in the spare room while my Dad and Suzanne were visiting from the other Coast, and yes, that is the bed that Sadie sleeps on at night. (a twin size bed is huge for a 7 lb dog lol )

So I figured I'd just deal with a dog in the bed for a couple of weeks. But gee, for such a small dog she sure does take up a lot of space!

Anyway, she has been doing so well with not leaving me any stinky surprises around that house that I decided not to block her in the spare room at night anymore.

I went to bed last night and she was all curled up on her little pillow on the floor beside my bed. Well she must have gotten used to sleeping in a bed with me, and figured that it was now ok to jump up on my big bed, because I woke up in the middle of the night last night and felt something heavy on my feet. Now, I like to sleep with lots of pillows, and occasionally I'll end up kicking a few onto the floor during the night. So I figured that this heavy thing laying on my feet was a pillow....so I kicked it off the bed. 


Not a pillow.

Yup, it was Sadie.

It didn't take her long to forgive me :] and I crawled back in bed, thinking surely that had reminded her that she wasn't allowed on my bed.

Nope, again.

A few hours later I woke up and there she was sitting on the pillows right by my head just staring at me. 

So I guess it's back to the spare room for Sadie until she remembers the rules. It's for her safety of course.....I don't want to kick the poor pup off the bed again!


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