May 23, 2012

Yes, I'd like to refill my 'stupid' pills, please.

It's been one of those weeks when the alarm clock goes off in the morning and I hit snooze...and then hit it again...and then again. Obviously this has me rushing around when I finally do pull myself out of bed and makes me want to curse the 25 mph speed limit that is 95% of the trip to work.

Why? Why can't I get out of bed this week? Why am I so exhausted? I'm not staying up any later than normal.

Well, I'm a big dummy.

Along with my 'once a day every day' medicine that I take, my doctor prescribed me a once a week little green pill that is basically jam packed full of vitamins... "You need more energy, Kristin!" he says. "Your Vitamin D level is drastically low! It's the worst I've seen for a long do you have energy to do ANYTHING?"

Guess who forgot to refill that prescription last week? And guess who hasn't taken that cute little green 'energy' pill this week?

Yup, that'd be me...the girl who can't get out of bed!

Man, my doctor knows what he's talking about! haha That makes me feel good :]

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