October 8, 2010

My House Was Built Upon The Rock

I love when God gives you encouragement and shows you His love at a time when you're least expecting it. It's the same kind of feeling you get when your spouse/boyfriend brings you flowers, "Just because I felt like it". You feel loved and your spirit goes from feeling a little blue, to feeling loved!

I had an experience like that today with God. I was really missing Mom, but had Jaime's three oldest kids with me so I was trying to use them as a distraction. We were headed to Burger King for lunch (because yes, I am the fun Aunt :-] ) and I had children's songs playing that I had downloaded to my MP3 player for such a time as this.

---On a totally side note, I was thrilled to find out that 1 car seat and 2 booster seats fit comfortably in the back seat of my SUV! ---

Ok, that's the end of that rabbit trail......

We were singing along to the songs and having fun when the song The House Upon the Rock came on. I few lines into the song is when it hit me.

The song basically talks about where you're putting your faith and what will happen when a 'crisis' arrives. I'm sure many of you know this song, so I won't explain more.

I was reminded right then that I am so fortunate to have been given the parents who helped raise me with my faith built strong. Our family has definitely been through a flood lately, and I have no idea how we would have pulled through if our faith was built on a weak foundation.

If I had absolutely no faith in Jesus Christ, I would have spent the past few months mourning, to put it bluntly, my dead Mom. There would be no hope.

However, because of my strong foundation, I sit here and yes, mourn that my Mom died and is no longer hear with me on earth, but not that shes dead because she is NOT! She is alive and well, and happier than she ever has been before.

So, on a day when I needed my Mom, God stepped in and said, "Look what I have done for you Kristin! Because my Son died a horrible death, your Mom is now dancing on my streets of Gold! You know that you do not mourn as one who has no hope! I love your Mom, and wanted her here with me. She is happy, Kristin. Rejoice for her that she is in MY presence. Keep your faith built on the rock!"   

I thank God everyday that I was taught how to build my strong foundation. I don't know how that would have happened without the parents that I have, but I'm sure God could have found another way. However, that is not how He choose to work my life. I thank Him for putting me in a Christian home with a Strong Foundation!

So, put your House Upon The Rocks..... it'll stand up so much longer when life sends a flood.


Chuck said...

will get you through a lot in life

Anonymous said...

Kristin Baby:
What a beautiful post...your Mom would want you to be happy...especially since SHE is so HAPPY now and forever!!! Always remember the Strong foundation in Christ that you have....and raise your family the same way. That life in Christ has gotten us through so many tough times...and that is why our family held together thru those times....everyone has their trials....but with Christ we can do all things!!! You are a beautiful writer just like Jaime...and I hope and pray you would always use this Wonderful GIFT that God has given you!! I love you and always will!! Dad...Good night Kristin Baby

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