March 7, 2012

The Tale of the Traveling Rug

I love my apartment. I really do! At first I wasn't so sure, but my family was right; once I moved all MY stuff in it wasn't as bad as it seemed at first. You see, the carpet in my apartment is...well...I guess you could say less than desirable. It's downright ugly. Some of it is yellow, some of it is orange, and the worst is orange and brown speckled. (My apologies if you have carpet in your home like this and love it. It's just not my cup of tea.)

So, thanks to my Dad and his wife and an apartment warming party, I have lots of big area rugs and smaller rugs to cover most of the nasty carpet.

Now, these rugs travel a lot; and it doesn't happen from me walking on them. No, I'm not talking about moving a few inches over time, I'm talking about traveling all over the apartment in a matter of a few minutes. Let me explain

Maybe if I stand really still she won't notice me beside the messed up rug.

What rug? I don't see a rug.

Don't look at me. I don't know how it got there.

Let me sniff it a little. Maybe I can catch the scent of the cat that is messing up your rugs!

In my expert opinion I would say it was definitely a cat!

What? You don't believe me?

GASP! Some cat is trying to set me up!

Look at my adorable you really think I would do a thing like this? What's that you say? We don't own a cat? I could have swore I saw one around here somewhere.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Definitely a CAT! Hope you find it and quit implying that your totally innocent dog is at fault.

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